Thursday, September 29, 2011

How bad do you want it?

I got ahold of this video via Facebook from Paul Yetter, a very decorated swim coach on the East Coast, and this video speaks volumes about the state of today's athletes, and frankly people in today's society.  But instead of droning on and on about societial issues, I will keep it strictly to swimming. 

Eric Thomas, AKA "The Hip Hop Preacher", is the motivational speaker who is narrating this video and the meat and potatoes of what he is saying towards the second half of the video is VERY true.  The premise of the video is that in order to be TRULY successful, you have to want success as badly as you want your next breath.  But on the second half of the video, he discusses how its not good enough to "kinda want it".  You are either willing to sacrifice for success or you are not, but there is no real middle ground with this. 

In swimming, it is such a marathon of a sport, that is not uncommon...and frankly, rather normal to question what you are doing or why you are doing it from time to time.  The trick is to always have both your short term as well as long term goals at the forefront of your thoughts, to stay focused on the PROCESS rather then immediate results.  It takes TRUST in everyone involved in the process, from the swimmer to the coach, as well as the parents.  And lastly, it takes SACRIFICE....lots and lots of sacrifice.  That HS football game you wanted to go to?  Gonna have to show up after halftime in order to finish practice.  That party Friday night?  You have a real hard morning practice the next morning so staying out late is not advised.  Your boyfriend/girlfriend is pissed that you have 3 swim meets out of town in the next 4 weeks?  There are always cell phones to use. 

Bottom line, in order to be truly successful in the sport of swimming, are you willing to sacrifice?  I mean REALLY willing to sacrifice?  If you want it, it is there for you to take.  But that means that you have to be there to answer the bell.  Every time.  No excuses.  No second guessing.  100% commitment.  And what do you get in return besides the idea of no regrets?  SUCCESS.  As complex as carrying it out seems, it all goes back to the simple premise of "HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT?".